News list for " kostarev"

Blum CEO: It is recommended to read "American Trap" recommended by Zhao Changpeng. The founder of Telegram is experiencing a similar experience

Gleb Kostarev, CEO and co-founder of Blum, a hybrid exchange, advises readers to read Frédéric Pierucci's book The American Trap, which was recommended by Changpeng Zhao, CEO of Binance, to understand "what really happened". Kostarev pointed out that Pierucci's arrest at the airport was part of a larger plan to weaken France's Alstom. He believes that similar pressures are...

2024-08-26 11:21:54
Blum CEO:建议阅读 赵长鹏 曾推荐的《美国陷阱》,Telegram 创始人正遭受类似经历

混合型交易所 Blum CEO 兼联合创始人 Gleb Kostarev 表示,建议读者阅读 Frédéric Pierucci 所著的《美国陷阱》,以了解"真实发生的事情"。该书曾被币安 CEO 赵长鹏推荐。Kostarev 指出,Pierucci 在机场被捕是削弱法国阿尔斯通公司的更大计划的一部分。他认为,类似的压力正...

2024-08-26 11:21:54